tech device landfill

Today’s business leaders clearly understand the significance of setting and achieving sustainability goals. Consumers prefer to do business with companies that protect the environment, and many large commercial customers demand it.

At most firms, sustainability initiatives include things like recycling programs, carpooling incentives, and energy efficiency upgrades. But one of the most impactful steps an organization can take for sustainability is to implement a formal IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) program.

ITAD is the process of safely disposing of unwanted or obsolete electronic equipment in an environmentally responsible manner, while also ensuring data security and compliance with regulations. IT asset disposition companies typically offer a range of services that include recycling, repairing, and repurposing unwanted equipment. By partnering with an ITAD service provider, companies can dramatically reduce their environmental impact.

The Environmental Challenge of IT Asset Disposal

According to the UN’s Global E-Waste Monitor initiative, global e-waste is expected to amount to 74.7 metric tons by 2030. That’s twice the 2014 level. Given the volume of waste and the potential toxicity of certain electronic components, that trend has profound implications for the environment.

The dramatic surge in e-waste is fueled largely by shorter technology product lifecycles, higher usage rates, and limited options for repairing non-functional devices. [SOURCE]

When someone disposes of unwanted IT equipment improperly, that presents a missed opportunity to reclaim raw materials like plastic cases, metal parts, and other components. The UN estimates that more than 75% of e-waste is incinerated or sent to landfills, where it can potentially pollute groundwater. Even worse, some e-waste ends up in large-scale open-air dumps in the third world, where it presents a significant health hazard to local residents.

Businesses have an opportunity to contribute to the circular economy by reusing or recycling components and materials, and by ensuring the proper handling of e-waste in general. By partnering with a reputable IT asset disposition company, they can positively impact the environment while also ensuring data security and improving profitability.

How ITAD Companies Promote Environmental Sustainability

When a Fortune 500 healthcare company wanted to migrate to the cloud and decommission their data centers, they reached out to NCS Global for help. Over the course of four days, our team processed over 71,500 pounds of e-waste, securely wiped nearly 3,000 hard drives, and decommissioned 3,000 components. We responsibly processed 1,384.69 pounds of toxic metals and effectively reduced greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 25 US households.

Here’s how ITAD services companies contribute to sustainability:

  • Ecologically sound data destruction: You don’t want the data that resides on your electronic devices to end up in the wrong hands, so ITAD companies start by destroying that data using various methods. Some companies require that devices be physically destroyed. However, it’s becoming more and more common to choose secure erasure with technology like NCS Global’s EcoErase, which guarantees data security while preserving devices for reuse.
  • Refurbishing and reselling: Even if your IT assets no longer serve your company’s needs, there may be others who find value in them. An ITAD company can refurbish that equipment and sell it on your behalf. That returns money to your company’s bottom line. Devices can also serve a valuable purpose for charities or schools around the world. By donating unwanted equipment after securely destroying the data that it contains, your company can help charitable causes and benefit from a tax deduction.
  • Recycling: If a device is not suitable for repair, ITAD companies can salvage parts to be re-used in other equipment. That can prolong the lifecycle of many assets. Remaining components such as plastic enclosures and parts can be recycled, which prevents more e-waste from ending up in a landfill. Recycling also reduces the need for virgin raw materials, which also positively impacts the environment.

Benefits of Partnering with Green ITAD Companies

Partnering with a reputable green IT asset disposition company offers significant benefits in terms of enhanced corporate environmental responsibility. But it also helps with compliance, security, and profitability:

  • Compliance: Consumers and government officials alike are paying closer attention than ever to the rapidly growing problem of e-waste. When you step up your ITAD practices, you can be confident that your company will be prepared to meet increasingly stringent requirements.
  • Security: When companies aren’t diligent about disposing of unwanted equipment, they risk fines and other regulatory action, as well as severe reputational damage. The best ITAD companies take a comprehensive approach to secure data destruction.
  • Profitability: ITAD returns money to your company’s bottom line by recapturing value from your unwanted IT equipment.
old devices ready for disposal

Integrating ITAD into Corporate Sustainability Strategies

Adopting green IT strategies starts with a deliberate decision to embrace environmentally friendly policies and practices, taking progressive steps to initiate change within your organization:

  • Conduct an IT sustainability audit: Inventory your existing IT assets, document the typical lifecycle of various classes of equipment, and forecast future investments. Also review data handling methods to determine if there are areas that should be improved.
  • Outline strategy for IT sustainability: Formulate policies and guidelines to govern the acquisition, use, repair, and disposition of IT equipment. Be sure to include specific objectives for your team and trading partners, along with mechanisms for measurement and control.
  • Shift to energy efficient and resource efficient devices: Establish procurement policies that prioritize low power consumption. Also consider ways to reduce the use of ink, toner, and paper. Some companies, for example, are marketing printers with refillable ink reservoirs, reducing the number of empty cartridges that end up in landfills.
  • Partner with a reputable ITAD services company: Look for a firm with certifications from recognized leaders in sustainability and security, such as E-Stewards and Ecovadis, and with memberships in organizations like the US Green Building Council.

Keep in mind that the best IT asset disposition companies work collaboratively, offering customized solutions and highly personalized services. Top ITAD providers also offer monitoring and reporting on the environmental impact of ITAD for your business. That helps you to track the measurable outcomes of your company’s sustainability programs.

The Future of Green IT Asset Disposition

The significance of IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) will undoubtedly grow in the coming years, driven by increased attention from regulators and consumers towards sustainability and security. With stricter regulations and evolving standards on the horizon, the push for mandatory recycling of electronics will become more widespread.

The ITAD sector is poised for innovation. New technology promises to transform the industry, increasing the proportion of materials that can be reclaimed. This promises to improve the economic value of ITAD and positively impact the environment.


As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of e-waste, companies will need to adapt their practices to meet increasingly stringent compliance standards. More importantly, though, ITAD offers a path to enhancing corporate responsibility, ensuring that organizations are doing the right thing for themselves and the environment.

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