NCS Global Achieves Full Renewable 4 Years Ahead of Schedule

A row of solar panels under a clear blue sky, surrounded by grass and trees, showcases the beauty of renewable energy.

By NCS Global

With the recent release of our 2021 ESG report, NCS Global is proud to announce that we’ve achieved our company goal of renewable energy self-sufficiency, and that we’ve done it four years ahead of schedule. Not only will achieving this remarkable milestone help the environment by reducing our emissions, it will also help us achieve cost savings that we can then reinvest into our various sustainability initiatives.

An Enduring Commitment to Sustainability

Since our founding in 1994, we’ve helped our clients achieve their goals while holding ourselves accountable to our own ambitious company-wide sustainability initiatives. Environmental protection is one of our top imperatives as a business along with assisting our clients, ranging from cutting-edge technology manufacturers to healthcare organizations, in saving on their IT-related costs and keeping their sensitive data safe. Sustainability is a cornerstone of our business and each year, we aim to set our goals higher and achieve more for the sake of the planet and its inhabitants.

The Journey to Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency

A few years ago, we decided as a company to make the necessary investments to achieve renewable energy self-sufficiency, effectively reducing our carbon footprint and harmful emissions by the year 2025. This goal, ambitious as it was, gave everyone in our organization a sense of real purpose beyond simply making profits. Each of our team members understands the dire importance of protecting the planet and helping to create a future where everyone has equal, if not greater, access to the resources that humankind has enjoyed and benefited from for generations.

We installed solar panels throughout our Rochester, New Hampshire facility and began the transition toward achieving 100 percent dependency on renewable energy sources.

In 2020, our on-site solar panels generated 130.7 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy which helped to power a significant portion of our daily operations. By the end of 2021, we managed to increase our solar power generation by nearly 4 percent, resulting in 135.6 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy being generated. Thus, our goal of achieving renewable energy self-sufficiency was realized a full 4 years ahead of schedule.

Looking Forward to a Brighter Future

This achievement was a group effort made possible by the hard work and dedication of each member of our team. We cannot thank them enough for everything they’ve done to help our company and the environment, and we’re looking forward to many more years of accomplishments.

To learn more about our environmental impact in 2021, check out our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report: Raising the Bar for Sustainability

In addition to making great strides in our solar power generation, we recycled over 693,000 kg of e-waste and avoided over 2,700 metric tonnes of Co2 in GHG emissions. These achievements are only the beginning, however, and we’re excited to accomplish even bigger, better things in the future.


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