NCS Global Internship Program Returns for Summer 2022

By NCS Global
Due to the success of our last internship cycle, the NCS Global team is bringing the program for area high schoolers back for the summer of 2022. We’re excited to welcome our next round of interns and teach them the ins and outs of ITAD while we benefit from their energy and optimism.
An Internship Program With a Purpose
The COVID-19 pandemic sent a shockwave of change extending into every facet of our lives, from healthcare and grocery shopping to higher education and job training. During this difficult time, our New Hampshire community saw a significant increase in the number of young people not being employed, enrolled in school, or participating in job training programs. For young men, this increase was 14 percent and for young women, it was a staggering 31.1 percent.
Our team decided to help combat this issue by expanding our internship program in our audit, test, and parts service departments to help youths explore exciting career paths and acquire valuable on-the-job training. In the summer of 2021, we invited four local students, three in high school and one on their way to college, to join our team and experience what it’s like to work in the world of information technology.
A Ray of Hope in a Tough Time
As an organization with a strong commitment to helping our community and the people who reside in it, it broke our hearts to see the large number of young people without direction and meaning during the pandemic. For nearly a year while everyone was in quarantine and avoiding the outside world, it felt as though life was at a standstill, while many youths found themselves without a clear path to achievement. We decided to take a stand and help students in our community accomplish their goals.
Our internship program taught students new skills, such as time management, interpersonal communication, and teamwork, that they can now bring to their educational journeys and in the future, their careers. We were proud to provide these promising individuals with the opportunity to enhance their skills and gain career readiness. Perhaps our greatest gratification came from showing these students how to operate a company that provides valuable services to clients around the world and do so ethically and in a way that protects our planet.
Making a Lasting Impact on Students
In addition to our internship program being a great opportunity to experience the real world of IT services, it’s also a chance for students to gain new skills that will help in their continued life journeys. We’re grateful for these young people who have brought a fresh dose of energy, optimism, and enthusiasm to our everyday lives, and we can’t thank them enough for their contributions. They’ve served as an inspiration for everyone on our team.
To learn more about our 2022 Summer Internship Program, contact Matt Glass: